With all the rain the east coast has been hit with these past few weeks and with leaves beginning to fall, it is important that people be aware of the slippery conditions while driving in the rain. Here are helpful tips while driving in the rain!
Prepare your car for wet weather: Check to see that your windshield wipers are working properly and also be sure that your tires are working well. When raining, these are two extremely important aspects of your car that you need working. In case you get stuck, think about leaving a bag of salt or kitty litter in your car.
Drive slower and pay extra attention: Driving in perfect conditions is difficult enough, but adding we weather presents even more challenges. Increased speed, directly results in increased risks. Slow down a bit while driving, and remember that the other cars will be driving slower so plan on leaving early for your destination. Be sure to break extra early and even more gradually than you usually do.
Use extra caution when crossing running water: Enough running water can easily move your car and even an SUV. If you are unsure about the depth of running water, just turn around and find an alternate route.
What to do once your car starts to hydroplane: Hydroplaning can be one of the scariest things to experience while driving. This happens when all four of your wheels lose contact between the tire and the road. It is suggested that you don’t brake abruptly or turn the wheel. Instead, simply release the gas pedal slowly keep steering straight until you gain traction with the road. If you are in a situation where you must break, lightly apply your foot to the brake pedal. You can also decrease your odds of hydroplaning by following along the tracks created by the car in front of you; just be sure you aren’t following too close.
Following these safety tips will greatly help you out next time you’re driving in rainy conditions. For further information or in the case that you do get in an accident, please feel free to give us a call at 617-364-1722 or fill out our online contact form.