Driving in the winter can be a tedious task and can certainly induce a bit of anxiety as well. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to ensure your personal safety as well as your vehicle’s when you decide to drive in snowy weather conditions. If you follow the right tips and take time to prepare properly, chances are you’ll be in for a smooth and safe driving experience in the snow. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you consider driving in the snow.
Take the Necessary Precautions Before Driving
Let’s take a step back for a minute and make sure that you have a few handy amenities on you before you even take the road. Taking these precautions will go a long way when it comes to having a safe driving experience in these wintry conditions. Make sure that you have tires that are equipped to handle the snow, as it can be damaging to them. Checking aspects of your tires such as tread and air pressure are crucial for you and your car’s safety. It doesn’t hurt to have a spare tire on you as well.
It can also help to make sure your vehicle’s gas tank is as close to full as possible. Between driving slowly and letting your car’s engine run for a few minutes before driving it, you’ll be consuming more fuel than you would during warmer seasons. With that in mind, it is highly important to keep your car’s tank full during the colder seasons as much as possible.
Keep a Longer Distance Between Yourself and Other Cars
It can be quite a hassle to drive in the snow, especially in areas where there may be more traffic than usual. Whether it be for events, gatherings, or for daily commutes, there are always going to be roads where there will be more vehicles than you likely want to see. As you drive in traffic, try to keep a bigger distance between your cars and others in front of you. The usual rule of thumb is 3 to 4 seconds, but in the winter, it’s best to increase it to 8 to 10 seconds so that you have ample time to brake/accelerate slowly.
Slowly Accelerate (or Decelerate) Your Vehicle
Momentum is more difficult to control on snowy roads. You’ll need to give yourself more time than usual to apply your brakes so that you can safely decelerate and avoid skidding as much as possible. The same concept applies to accelerating your vehicle as well. Stay slow, gently apply pressure to the gas/brakes, and reaching point A to point B will be a much more easygoing experience.
Avoid Relying on All Wheel Drive
All-wheel drive is a great asset for getting through the snow. It’s common knowledge. However, that doesn’t mean every issue is solved. All-wheel drive may help a little when it comes to getting through the snow itself, but it won’t impact the two most important parts of driving other than using the steering wheel; using the brake and the gas. Keep this in mind and don’t be careless when it comes to applying a tool that is handy for an activity that is more dependent on your better judgement with using the gas and brake.
Looking for assistance with your vehicle? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. ASI Collision and Repair is happy to help your automobile issues. Give us a call today at (617) 364-1722.